Hands on Science


Hands on Science is a program where parents lead small groups of kids in exciting science activities that help enhance their classroom learning. You do not need to know anything about science to volunteer!


We provide all of the materials needed and have it all laid out for you in an easy to follow manner. All you need to do is come and have fun with the kids.


2025 Spring LAB DATES

Kindergarten – Force Electronics Exploration with STEM kits

  • March 25-  Sign up to come
  • Instructions below

1st Grade – Force Electronics Exploration with STEM kits

  • March 7-  Sign up to come
  • Instructions below 

2nd Grade – Force Electronics Exploration with STEM kits

  • 4/1-  Sign up to come
  • Instructions below

3rd Grade – Volcanos!

  • 3/21- Sign up to come
  • Instructions to come:

4th Grade – Robotics Fun with STEM kits

  • Sign up to come- April 30 (Veintimilla, Chimenti/Nunnikhoven, Elgar/Rainosek)
  • Sign-up to come- May 1 (Edwards/Adams, Newport/Vanacore)
  • Instructions below.

5th Grade – Robotics Fun with STEM kits

  • Feb 4  (Spahr, Teehan, Franden, Carr) 
  • Feb 5 (Hansen, Clifford, Risinger, Cain) 
  • Instructions below:


4th & 5th grade Robotics:

We will have about 8 different robots, already built. We will split the robots between tables, and then divide the students into small groups. Each small group will spend 7-8 minutes at each table, and then move to the next table. Robot example include a reptile robot, a balance car, a bubble machine, a fiber lamp and a buzzer wire game kit. The robots are already built. You will have a few guiding questions (with answers) to discuss, but this will mostly be a time that the kids can learn about physics, engineering, electronics, and more while also having fun! You will be stationed at 1 table to monitor and lead the students in their time with those robots. 




Kinder- 2nd grade Circuit boards:

Every table will have one circuit board for the small group of students to share. The various electronic experiments include circuit maze, spray module, RGB, RGB light module, flying saucer accessories, etc. Kids can learn the basics of electrical engineering in a safe and fun way. These are made with younger students in mind and have an instructions booklet to show how to do every experiment. The science kits came with 14+ small circuits that allow kids to combine many projects. Kids will learn circuit knowledge such as parallel connection and series connection


circuit boards

3rd grade: 

Third grade will have their time with volcanos! We will post the lab instructions here. 



For additional information or questions about Hands on Science please contact:

Zounarah Khan, 1st VP of Programs – programs@raepta.org