RAEwatch provides positive male role models for RAE students during school and helps enhance school security, reduce bullying, and foster a greater sense of campus safety so that students and teachers can focus on learning.


Who are RAEwatch?

Fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures that serve at least one day on campus each year under the leadership of a program coordinator and with guidance from a school principal or designated administrator. All RAEwatch volunteers wear their red shirts while on duty.


*Please note: RAEwatch volunteers must register (every year) through the Katy ISD Raptor volunteer system.


Join us for our Kick-Off Informational Meeting:

September 5, 2024 @ 6:30pm in the RAE Library.





For additional information or questions about RAEwatch, please contact:

Chris Neumiller – raewatch@raepta.org